Friday, October 1, 2010

Google TV for Small Business...What's in this for You?

This afternoon, and as a small business person... still buzzing about new Google TV, let me share with you what's in this for small business. The first thing you need to do is understand What Google TV is by going to my New World Television Channel page on my website and viewing Google's two-minute, twelve-second "What is Google TV?" video.

For me personally, it's one of the best two minutes and twelve seconds I've spent for the following reasons:
  • Currently there are no less than about 4 billion television viewers worldwide... and Google TV streamed across the also world wide. $70 billion a year is spent on television advertising...worldwide.
  • My own Television Channel can be accessed by Google TV viewers...also...worldwide.. without having to go through...any other entity... no commercial television station gate-keeper...  no public television station gatekeeper... no government channel gate-keeper... no public access channel gate-keeper
  • I can communicate my offering... with global business reach...beyond cable audiences... without paying a cent for broadcast advertising or cable advertising... Now I can reach local, regional, national, and international audiences with information of value... programming that can serve multiple audiences... phenomenally well.
Just get quiet a moment... forget TV and just contemplate the implications... related to the things you care about - small business development and capacity-building, mobilizing communities of interest, reforming public education, transforming organizations, growing not-for-profit organizational capacity, reforming government, growing green business, changing the world...making it a better place to live...then think about using Google TV channels...programmed...and...instructionally-designed... to do that.

My cup now runneth over thinking.. and flowing energy into practical...mission-critical... applications for a new world television. What about a television channel for something you care about? .... or even a Primetime television show idea that we can brainstorm together. Call me and let's connect. 425-780-6872.

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