Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving 2011: Some New Resources to Be Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving 2011. Here are some scrumptious new resources to put on your table that you can be thankful for:
  1. Social Media Marketing Plan - Wow will you feel great after investing in the development of a 21st century marketing communications plan that develops and manages multiple communicates venues intelligently and innovatively... instead of just "drifting" and wasting time.. unintentionally...which typically happens without a plan.

  2. Web Television Channel - Web television programming is the way to communicate and drive traffic to your website and physical world business. You can create and embed your own web television channel right on your website. If all you have on your existing website that is just text and photos... it's time to get with it and upgrade your web business presence... to seize new opportunities. Consistently publishing quality web television programming... that you can be empowered to produce.. and putting it right on your website, is now the best and most effective way to do Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM)...that drives traffic that can result in sales.

  3. Google Apps & Google Site - Using Google applications with free virtual file services and collaborating with others ...can move you and your business phenomenally forward while saving you time and money, protect you from losing all your files...when you local hard drive on your computer crashes. Notice that I say "when".. not "if" for all hard drives have a product life cycle. Google Sites also allows you to have a website that you can update yourself...without having to be held captive to a conventional web designer or WordPress consultant that you have to pay for updating.

  4. Google+ with HangOuts and Pages - Just by jumping on to Google+ and doing webinars using Google HangOuts... you can almost instantly be ahead of the pack... reaching audiences and growing your business, while others are still just drifting and socializing on Facebook... or drowning in tweets on Twitter...and going nowhere. New Google+ pages even allow you to create a business presence on Google+ in addition to your personal presence, and Circles are great for direct communications with folks, without the noise and clutter of Facebook that wastes time.

  5.  Facebook Marketing & Leads Capture - There is a way to be more intentional even on Facebook, building credibility, capturing leads and converting prospects into customers, clients and advocates. For several months now we've been working with front-runners doing this who also know all the insider tips that can help you reach your audiences and filter out that noise and the clutter that rips off your time. They also know how to grow business over Twitter as well. 
There's a lot to be thankful for... and put on your table... that can move business forward. For more information, call us today at 206-920-8067 and let's get started making 2011 the best Thanksgiving ever. 

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